Optimize your web fonts for faster page-load!
We’ll save you up to 90% file size on most fonts
What does Fontzoo do?
Fontzoo will optimize your font file sizes and reduce them up to 90% to save critical time on your website’s rendering path.
How does it work?
- We delete all non rendering-related parameters (metadata, etc).
- We optimize glyphs by removing nodes that are closer than 0.001 points from the previous node on a unique curve.
- Finally we remap duplicate glyphs.
- And we offer you a basic subset and the option to customize it.
Pros and cons
You get a much smaller file size per font file, without quality loss. The option to choose the right subset for you.
What's new in v1.1
- Fixed a bug in generated CSS that made it pretty much unusable.
- Fixed contact form (yes, you can now actually contact us, pretty neat, huh?)
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